Ive been tagged aarrgghhh by a lovely lady Sheila (manicstamper) this is my second tag so here goes , You have to do seven fact/habits about yourself then tagged another seven.
1) I just love frogs and would have a garden full if it was possible for me.
2) I just hate pinapple have done ever since i was knee high to a grasshopper it makes me really ill.
3)I just love to indulge in cake and chrisps ( there goes my diet again) i have a habit of when i am alone i just can sit and eat a full packet of chocolate digestives : )
4)I just luve watching films over and over again and when theres one that comes on tv i have a habit of telling my family what happens next and get really cross looks from them.
5)My most bad habit if it is a bad is to look under the bed check inside the wardrobes and make sure all the windows and doors are safely locked before i can get to sleep, have been like that since i was little, must have been all those stories of the bogeyman.
6)I just love crafting and spening an absolute fortune on crafts things some i dont really need and wont use, i am such a collector.
7) Finally my seventh fact is i am a good mother so my three kids have told me i do my best and the same has Sheila has put meeting all these lovely bloggers.
So im going to tag........Lythan, Susan, monty's mum, Gillian, Ruthie, Sharon, and Tracie (Bondgirl ), sorry ladies .